51Friends 51Fans
male 新竹, Taiwan
_浩_ 覺得
15 years ago
節能的中小型房車即將稱霸全世界,我尤其看好Ford,汽車大戰 現代、福特將勝出
_浩_ 分享
15 years ago
好準的老虎... Tiger Attack
15 years ago
Everything is above my comprehension
_浩_ 討厭
15 years ago 2
用電腦打GAME我就不會累,為何做個小東西就會累半死... :-(
_浩_ 分享
15 years ago 6
[推薦]西門町峨嵋立體停車場前的電影院票價很便宜,早場只要200而且加50還有一食一飲呢!反正西門町的螢幕都很小所以要看就去那兒看吧! https://images.plurk.com/352868_60a4b142aa18229ac9141bc7274f6038.jpg
15 years ago 5
早上九點多郵差阿姨就把我從睡夢中吵醒..挖勒是入伍通知單 :-o
_浩_ 討厭
15 years ago
下什麼雨阿!出個小門好像在洗澡啦 (angry)
15 years ago 2
你/妳到底想做些什麼事呢? 我好像還沒找到..
15 years ago 2
The time just starts to slip away from you.
_浩_ 喜歡
15 years ago
The reality show,Project Runway,is fabulous (applause) (rock) https://images.plurk.com/352868_045414636345459f46fb59be1c541898.jpg