31Friends 34Fans
male Plymouth, NH, United States
macjedimatt asks
12 years ago
what are iPhone users using for navigation? I love the android google maps/navigation combo. I'm using waze right now but there are no POI's
macjedimatt says
12 years ago 6
yay for wake up calls at 3:35am. Someone needs to invent a hard drive that lasts forever.
macjedimatt wishes
12 years ago
I could just build my own PC for work... This thing loses another video card I'm gonna hurt someone.
macjedimatt says
12 years ago
I just noticed that newegg has really good deals on refurbished computers. Sharing since I know a lot of you have tight budgets.
macjedimatt says
12 years ago
Lily and I are on the train to Boston! Spending the day at the Aquarium.
macjedimatt says
12 years ago 4
my new's resolution is the same as last year, 1440x900.
macjedimatt says
12 years ago
First plurk!!
macjedimatt says
12 years ago 4
I won't be home from work until next year :'-(
macjedimatt says
13 years ago 6
Signed off on my Ford Fusion picking it up tomorrow morning!