3Friends 10Fans
male Grantham, Great Britain (UK)
magoo says
14 years ago
Now to make our way home.
magoo says
14 years ago
Loved the Castle we stayed in. Pictures of that place to follow. But for now filming.
magoo says
14 years ago
There is water coming from the sky here in Winchester! I haven't seen this in weeks. They are calling it rain.
magoo says
14 years ago
I now have a new iPhone. My issues were hardware as they always are!
magoo says
14 years ago
I love Apples new self closing iPhone apps! Best part it does it as if I have finished with the app! :-(
magoo says
14 years ago
Watching paulbridle LIVE on Ustream.
magoo says
14 years ago
iOS4 has bugged my iPhone. First time this has happened to me. This means a trip to the Apple Store.
magoo says
14 years ago
It's all planes, trains and automobiles for me lately. What great fun.
magoo says
14 years ago
On my way to London. More travel.
magoo says
14 years ago
Back in Grantham. Easy drive back from Croydon