0Friends 11Fans
female Santa Monica, CA, United States
I coach people to find their dreams coming true by learning how to experience the opportunity in the events of their lives.
15 years ago
Previous rebellions have taken place internally like being "bad" and eating too many cookies. This time I'd like it to be the usua
15 years ago
If I started earlier I would have had a longer experience of self love but I would not have had the particular poignant joy that I
15 years ago
I keep learning self-acceptance at a deeper and deeper level. Today I'm learning to accept an almost 67-year-old stomach. And it's good.
15 years ago
If u want 2 teach Law of Attraction, u have to live it which means ur +++ vibe will attract everything you want & need - including clients.
15 years ago
No need for spamming or fear.
15 years ago
I already became comfy with "Wise Fairy Godmother". Now I think I have to be Guru Maia. I'm so kidding.
15 years ago
Do they offer PhD's in social media? I don't want one but someone might.
15 years ago
I just remembered my favorite 12-Step saying: Progress not perfection. Good one. I need to say that to myself more often. Takes th
15 years ago
Interesting. Nothing really came and client is sick and we rescheduled until tomorrow if she feels well enough. Interesting.
15 years ago
Question: So what is on my spiritual mind today? Answer: Oh, just letting what comes in right before a client call and trusting th