0Friends 11Fans
female Santa Monica, CA, United States
I coach people to find their dreams coming true by learning how to experience the opportunity in the events of their lives.
15 years ago
The human experience has so much labor attached to it. Just to wear glasses, I have to remember to clean them. But cleaning them i
15 years ago
My husband just told me he has a new wrinkle. Maybe we should start a contest to see who gets more faster. Anyone care to join. Th
15 years ago
That magnificent, powerful, part of All-That-Is Real You is not afraid to die like this little lower self is.
15 years ago
What if your magnificent, powerful, part of All-That-Is Real You decided to come here to Earth and see what it would be like to gr
15 years ago
"To die for the revolution is a one-shot deal; to live for the revolution means taking on the more difficult commitment of changin
15 years ago
Last night as I was lying in bed unable to sleep because I ate too much flour and sugar yesterday, I remembered what I learned in
15 years ago
Was there a touch of dishonesty in a relationship that masquerades as a friendship both ways but is really more of a business rela
15 years ago
sambrightstar here's me when I was a real hippy photo.php?pid=3245664&l=3a9ee47332&id=645471953 I love what you're writing. thnx
15 years ago
I had a friend who was dying of cancer yet still wanted to go to personal growth workshops. Most of her friends thought she was a
15 years ago
Quote from "80 journal: "I feel really intimidated by making a commitment to go to a meeting every day. If I do, It'll face me imm