6Friends 41Fans
female Mount Pleasant, MI, United States
You can call me Mer. I'm in love with Ryan. I play guitar, uke, ocarina, and sing. I like cats, unicorns, Japanese pop, video games, Pokémon, rainbows, and movies.
Mer says
15 years ago
5 days!
Mer says
15 years ago
Mer says
15 years ago
6 days!
Mer says
15 years ago 2
Drunk friends and the police. Not a good combo.
Mer says
15 years ago
7 days!
Mer says
15 years ago
OMG! My drink just made a noise like Flipper!
Mer says
15 years ago
my apple juice tastes rotton and my yogurt tastes like powder...
Mer wishes
15 years ago 4
that I could enjoy this PBJ without the urge to puke half way through.
Mer hates
15 years ago
these next 8 days. I curse you!
Mer loves
15 years ago
Ryan so much. I miss him so much it hurts. 9 days..