0Friends 4Fans
male Newark, DE, United States
makeitpopxx is
14 years ago
talking to Daniel. :-D
makeitpopxx says
14 years ago
It's always beautiful to see the sunrise. :-)
makeitpopxx says
14 years ago
Hallo world :-D
makeitpopxx says
14 years ago
Is tired. :-)
makeitpopxx says
14 years ago
," It's peanut butter jelly :-D " (woot)
makeitpopxx feels
14 years ago
that his other friends should join Plurk.
makeitpopxx is
15 years ago
harassing people on aim :-) So yeah. :]
makeitpopxx hopes
15 years ago 4
that Santa comes home. <3
makeitpopxx is
15 years ago
getting ready to shovel snow, with my mother; for the second time. O_o
makeitpopxx says
15 years ago
Good morning world . <3