✘ MᴀʀᴋsTʜᴇSᴘᴏᴛ
42Friends 2Fans
male Sweden

Odo - Riverview

Mod at Arda Marred
Legolas/Liam - Save the Earth, Arda Marred
Mod at Save the Earth
Legolas - Ryslig, Demelier
Eiyan (OC) - Demelier
Lindir - Last Resort, Arda Marred

✘ MᴀʀᴋsTʜᴇSᴘᴏᴛ
3 years ago 20 @Edit 3 years ago
[Trans issues][family][bathroom bills]

Long story short, I had a discussion with my mom about politics (mistake, I know) and this particular issue is one where her opinion on the matter really hurts me. So maybe I made a mistake but I wrote a thing.

for later
[masks] [sewing] ok I usually dont share stuff like this but considering that I am not usually one to sew and I sew by hand, I'm really proud of what I was able to do. Pics inside.
[language] So I was browsing netflix, and I was looking at a show I might want to watch, and I thought "I can like 65% understand this but WOW is that some funky Swedish. I wonder where this was filmed..."
[work] The name of this restaurant is "Pong" https://images.plurk.com/4SkCBvfshGBOKsV0HLPWBf.jpg
Found this band and thier Tolkien inspired playlist. Thought it might me relevant to some of your interests.
Middle Earth - J.R.R. Tolkien Music - YouTube
ish. today i learned that there was once a Dr. George McCoy that was head if a lab that worked on something called parrot fever. (which was a real thing) and I would like to pretend that Bones was teased about this in med school.
9 months working at the archive and I still sing the alphabet song to do my job. I am an adult.
Why has it taken me 9 YEARS living in Sweden to realise that the google translate app has a camera setting?????
Sudden urge to write an essay on why trans women are women and should be allowed to exist in woman's spaces in an angry way. This is litterally prompted by nothing. I'm just angry suddenly. Maybe something I will do later.