53Friends 35Fans
male Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
journalist, photographer, editor in chief of |
markmark7 has
16 years ago
decided to try out Uncle Ben's rice and is amazed how practice it is! :-P
markmark7 feels
16 years ago
soooo much betta
16 years ago 2
being a nice boy, I'll take a rest reading RStone on bed. My own private nurse told me to do it! :'-( :-(
markmark7 loves
16 years ago 2
to have gf close when feels sick.
markmark7 loves
16 years ago
to have gr close when feels sick.
markmark7 thinks
16 years ago 1
Como se dá o "algoritmo" do Karma do Plurk? just wondering.
markmark7 is
16 years ago 9
really hungry
16 years ago
achei q eu fosse me dissolver no vaso e na pia. Mas o pior já passou :S Imosec, reidrate, floratil, digesan... :-&
markmark7 has
16 years ago
woke up in the middle of the night feeling very sick! :-&
markmark7 will
16 years ago
go off to bed. :-))