25Friends 25Fans
male Melaka, Malaysia
Photography is my hobby hehhe check out my blog at enjoy!
maxgoh says
13 years ago 1
My Favorite Paid APPs: WhatsApp = Free SMS around the world~~ how about you?
maxgoh says
13 years ago
Booooosting my creativity skill~~ make something different...
maxgoh says
13 years ago
aiseh~~~forgot about Kajang Satay~~~~ and seremban Siew Bao~~~
maxgoh says
13 years ago
恭贺屠妖节快乐 <=> Happy Deepavali
maxgoh says
13 years ago
你無法預先把點點滴滴串連起來; 只有在未來回顧時, 你才會明白那些點點滴滴是如何串在一起的 - Steve Jobs
maxgoh says
13 years ago 1
R.I.P. Paul, you've done well as a Sotong
maxgoh says
14 years ago
Finally it arrived!!!! phew~~~ so happy now......
maxgoh says
14 years ago 1
@.@ New Macbook Air Released
maxgoh says
14 years ago
小新上課時總是愛打瞌睡 一天老師實在忍無可忍~~把昏睡的小新叫起來並問他 " 你知道龜兔賽跑~~兔子是怎麼輸的嗎~~ " 小新睡眼惺忪的說 : 不知道~~ 老師告訴他 : 因為兔子在打瞌睡~~ 小新若有所悟的說 : " 喔~~!! 那沒有睡覺的都是烏龜囉~~"
maxgoh says
14 years ago
一間精神病醫院中, 某個病患在寫信,護士看到了就很好奇的問他。 護士:你要寫給誰啊? 病人:寫給我自己啊! 護士:那你都寫些什么啊? 病人:你神精病啊!我還沒收到怎么知道??