94Friends 20Fans
female Montreal, QC, Canada
I am utterly and thoroughly addicted to knitting. After many years of writing about it here and there, I finally decided to take the plunge and speak on camera.
mayamoonie shares
12 years ago 3
Episode 11 is FINALLY up!
mayamoonie says
12 years ago 3
According to the Weather Network, it is 86, feels like 102, with 59% humidity. Now I understand why I can't move.
mayamoonie shares
12 years ago 4
Chart A complete on the test knit for verybusymonkey
mayamoonie shares
12 years ago 1
Time to crash. Had a lovely WWKIP!
mayamoonie shares
12 years ago 3
I just whipped up a couple more BalL Sacks.
mayamoonie shares
12 years ago 2
I'm test knitting verybusymonkey's latest shawl. Stunning!
mayamoonie says
12 years ago 3
mayamoonie says
12 years ago 6
What is "end plying"?
mayamoonie says
12 years ago 4
I was going to record, but after the crow fiasco I can't even bring myself to shower :-(
mayamoonie says
12 years ago 11
Well, the crow died at some point between 1 and 3am :-(