15Friends 11Fans
female Brunei Darussalam
blubbler de blubber de bobo mini soho le arcarte keleva,eseh iuv me jeke jeke yeb hapoop..i'm sorry that was tottaly gibberish :-D schmuckgnirob™, and yes i'm gay..happy gay hay lay GET IT!? and kinda crazy :-P who wants a crazy old person like
melbummer;ny™ wishes
15 years ago
i have siti's brain..the melayu part xD
melbummer;ny™ wishes
15 years ago 4
she has a handPHONE!!! =D
melbummer;ny™ wonders
15 years ago 8
why there's 2 not 1 D:
melbummer;ny™ wonders
15 years ago
why im retarded
melbummer;ny™ wonders
15 years ago
why when i put away people think im online ==
melbummer;ny™ is
15 years ago 10
confused herself ==
melbummer;ny™ shares
15 years ago
blubberrrr D:
melbummer;ny™ shares
15 years ago
if you know basic pokemon like pikachu or charizard watch this Hitler finds out Pokemon arent real
melbummer;ny™ shares
15 years ago
if you know basic pokemon like pikachu or charizard watch this :-)
melbummer;ny™ says
15 years ago
i hate you youyouyouyouyouyouyouyouyo!??!?!?!? |:<