4Friends 5Fans
male Pottsboro, TX, United States
15 years ago
testings ping.fm to see how many bounce to Twitter. I think I need to turn social thing off but what else?
16 years ago
Also Tweeting from Socialthing.com
16 years ago
I am Tweeting from Ping.fm! is that even allowed?
michaelmcminn is
16 years ago
hanging our with a 2yr old who is not quite on the happy side of life today...
16 years ago
Made a video for Sunday that RAWKS! 3 kids radically saved, sharing testimony & getting baptized. 1 sharing about God's call to ministry!!!
16 years ago
ok it updated twitter i see that but it posted my brightkite location from 2 days ago??? is that because i have not updated bk since then?
16 years ago
yo yo yo. here is me trying out Ping.fm : lets see how it works. anyone else using Ping.fm? (say it)
michaelmcminn is
16 years ago
so gucci
michaelmcminn is
16 years ago
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-)