17Friends 14Fans
female Manila, Philippines
i wouldn’t be strong if life is not a mess and confusing…

those times that i had sleepless nights, nights full of tears and pain…

i learned from it.. that life is not perfect.. nor a person ..

i did many mistakes in my life.. and i regret it
mija says
15 years ago
soooooooo f********** up!!!!!!!!!!
mija says
15 years ago
Believe me when I say, I can take a hint. I'm a big girl and I know when I'm not needed or wanted, so you are officially off the hook.
mija is
15 years ago
fascinated of how people can smile so sweetly while they stab you in the back... :-))
mija says
15 years ago
well, today was a total waste of make-up! (angry)
mija says
15 years ago
2nd chance?
mija says
15 years ago
goodnight people!
mija wishes
15 years ago
that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere! (cozy)
mija says
15 years ago
when I'm with you nothing else matters.
mija wonders
15 years ago
when people call their partners Babe, is it because they're attractive, or because they remind them of a talking pig
mija asks
15 years ago
Why not write our lives in pencil so we can erase our mistakes or is it the mistakes we make that help create our life story?