angsting alone in her apartment, curled up in a blanket. It was starting to get to cold to do fun things >A<
lazy and bored, wondering if she can find someone to hang out with her.
[Event 2] is at a rave. She may or may not be covered in bright body paint.
[Event 2] is looking for a meal or at least some company. She's incredibly bored.
[Event 2] is flitting from window to window, sniffing the air. She'll find cute Dmytro's room soon she thinks.
[event 2] going to see Dmytro. She has things to tell him.
[Event 2]wandered into vampire territory for info gathering. Which was great for a while but she got distracted for a late dinner partway
[Event 2] is lounging at a lonely lake, letting her more demonic features out for a bit. Hiding them was so troublesome.