67Friends 33Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Miraco 話す
14 years ago
凱凱英語每日一句時間:"Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts."--Winston Churchill 成功永遠沒有終點,失敗絕對不是絕望.. 這全在於擁有勇氣的多寡。
Miraco 話す
14 years ago 2
凱凱英語每日一句時間:"The future has several names. For the weak, it is the impossible. For the fainthearted, it is the unknown.
Miraco 話す
14 years ago
凱凱英語每日一句時間:"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."改變你討厭的東西,改變不了,轉換你的態度,不要抱怨!
Miraco 話す
14 years ago
凱凱英語每日一句時間:"Honor is better than honors." 榮耀比頭銜更重要。 擁有榮譽感去完成使命比追求頭銜的心態更值得令人驕傲:-D
Miraco 話す
14 years ago
凱凱英語每日一句時間:"Heaven helps those who help themselves."老天指幫助會幫助自己的人。 就是天助自助者:-D
Miraco 話す
14 years ago
凱凱英語每日一句時間:"Ignorance is not innocence but sin."--Robert Browning 無知不代表單純,而是種罪過。 多多充實自己,大家才可以贖罪,阿門(喂
Miraco 話す
14 years ago 3
凱凱英語每日一句時間:"Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open."- Alexander Graham Bell 貝爾
Miraco 話す
14 years ago
凱凱英語每日一句時間:"Don't put the cart before the horse."別將拉車放在馬兒的前面(放在後面才能拉呀XD)。 意思就是提醒大家做事情不要本末倒置囉:-D
Miraco 話す
14 years ago
Miraco 話す
14 years ago 1
凱凱英語每日一句時間:"A contented mind is a perpetual feast." 知足的胸襟是一種永恆的宴席。