it's not comfortable to ask me about the payroll. RUDE, kids...
the best benefit TS offers is the free ticket of THSR which could let me go home around for free.
I like the weather in kaoh, sunny and bright, but hot a little bit.
一方面是有點震驚, 一方面是擔憂現有工作內容已經滿多的...她的工作看來一定會落在我們某人的身上...(菜鳥能默默裝傻嗎....)
seems like I have one more day off...and take the THSR for free...
這三天的溫度很舒服, 好像到山裡一樣, 如果忽略車潮跟人潮的話, 也有點像是站在海邊吹風的感覺
我的小老闆是熱愛工作的人 一到五整天都獻給公司了 (有個小女兒的媽媽)
May God bless all. Lead us to the right direction.