21Friends 92Fans
male Lees Summit, MO, United States
Broadcast Media major at University of Central Missouri.
15 years ago
As far as I can tell, the "Sarah Conner Chronicles" left off where the new movie will start. I think I'm ok with that.
15 years ago
Wife is getting fired today, apparently. After a few days of "administrative leave" and advertising her position on job sites. Awesome...
15 years ago
This is a pretty cool little trick! Very useful. (
15 years ago
If you find this Digital Short as hilarious as I do... we will be great friends. (
15 years ago
Uh. Stewart and Affleck? The "In a World" guy is Don LaFontaine. He is dead. One would think you guys would know that.
15 years ago
Color me in LOVE with the Drobo with attached DroboShare. I would be very happy if I could edit without an attached external drive.
15 years ago
Do you need proof that 0:22:43 (2243themovie) is epic? Check our Videos page on the website and promos on the Facebook Fan Page! EPIC!
15 years ago
Heard that one of the writers of the "Last House on the Left" remake is writing the "Red Dawn" remake. Son of a bitch. I'm staying indy.
15 years ago
Wondering what the other two leaders of 2243themovie are thinking so far. We really haven't discussed whether we like the setup we set up.
15 years ago
OOOH! That's why watching video was so choppy... I'm having Motion do an Optical Flow analysis on a clip! Sorry little MBP.