10Friends 63Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Our youth and strength last but a day.
You and I, ah! Our hairs are grey.
Friends! Half are in a better land.
moscito says
12 years ago 1
in the real cambridge for the first time
moscito says
12 years ago
是哪個(嗶)(嗶)的(嗶)想出 這種網址的?
moscito says
12 years ago
moscito says
12 years ago 1
moscito says
12 years ago
R.I.P. United Airlines. April 5, 1926 - March 2, 2012
moscito says
12 years ago
moscito says
12 years ago
why is the only good cryptographer we can interview a theorist?
moscito says
12 years ago
about to go on a long and painful ride.
moscito says
12 years ago
after a hard swim
moscito says
12 years ago
going home