:bg.o rko nag.c0mmuni0n g.pRov0ke npud q nin.u!! S0rry ky dli q PERFECT..
:mkasasala na dli dpat pasayl0on, unsa m0h? Gin0o? Rawr.
Friends are friends f0rever, if the Lord's the Lord of them.
.i h0pe y0u're c0ncerned ab0ut me and n0t just curi0us.
:mura jud xia'g bay0t ai, he5 pero sweet.
.wew, nagkinagub0t na.hu5.
.mamalikas q kadali: Shit!
Best Friday After Death- BFAD
:Go0dnyt LORD God, g0odnyt Jesus, g0odnyt Holy Spirit.. I l0ve You so much.