21Friends 5Fans
Hamilton, ON, Canada
12 years ago
All I want is a proper cup of coffee, made from a proper copper coffee pot.
Kai says
12 years ago 2
I just looked at my wall collage and found my Frogan picture... oh memories
12 years ago 4
does not understand Laryth. I know who it is, and Paris.. but... I don't get it.
Kai hopes
12 years ago
She can finally get herself to think positively every day, I'm workign at it!
Kai is
12 years ago
finally starting to find and friend a bunch of the Daltonites. Now it's going to get interesting. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA
12 years ago
Just watched Three Star. So I'm just going to drown in a pool of my own tears, Please Dalton don't update tonight, I couldn't handle more
Kai says
12 years ago
. Clicking freestyle makes me feel like a badass
Kai is
12 years ago
Just going to sit and listen to Follow Me Down to the Red Oak Tree and cry, at least then I'll UNDERSTAND
Kai is
12 years ago
Confused... How do you work this?