608Friends 140Fans
6 years ago 2
Good morning! What a beautiful day. We're having sunny, mild weather. https://images.plurk.com/6WpXvWsvsGHiOx5OVN17Ur.jpg
n2teaching wonders
6 years ago 1
if the humidity is really 100%? Yes, it really is. That's why it's raining. We're enjoying it. https://images.plurk.com/6WK69m6dnQqz3UdYWf44zI.png
6 years ago 3
We've had rain all day. Humidity is between 95 and 100%. Hard to breathe. Glad the temps are in the mid 70sF.
n2teaching likes
6 years ago 1
our beautiful morning. The temperature is 80°F with a light SE wind. Making my first Google Site this morning. Have any comments or help warnings, please let me know.
n2teaching wonders
6 years ago 3
if anyone is getting any rain this evening? I hope you're not being flooded.
6 years ago 3
Good morning! Hope all is well in your part of the world today. It's a clear day here.
n2teaching says
6 years ago 6
Good Morning! It's 76°F at 8:00am. I wish the temp would stay like this all day, but the heat index will rise to 100°F. Heat index of 100°F means we are in trouble if we're in it. Above 98.6°F heat index ( wet bulb temperature), the human body can no longer release waste materials and toxins through sweating. Our bodies become poisoned. We can die. Take care