10Friends 13Fans
female Raleigh, NC, United States
Sometimes knitter, sometimes baker, sometimes whatever shiny thing catches my attention.
naiadkitty says
16 years ago 12
yesterday, new roommate unplugged the router (and all our game systems) to plug in his computer. Not quite what we were going for.
naiadkitty has
16 years ago 1
a new roommate. Picked up a friend in DC and brought him down over the weekend. He'll be staying with us until he gets a job/car/apartment
naiadkitty says
16 years ago 1
driving five hours today to help a friend move down to Raleigh. Hooray for sudden gas spikes :-P
16 years ago
may be getting a minion this year! (I do not need or want a minion. I wish Bryan was getting one, instead.)
naiadkitty is
16 years ago
disappointed we're not all being sucked into a giant black hole. Keep up with the latest news here: www.hasthelhcdestroyedth...
naiadkitty says
16 years ago 3
I just got my invitation to! Now, what fabric would I want to print for $18/yd?
naiadkitty says
16 years ago 5
I started some Hedera socks over the weekend. Tried to put them on at lunch, but they were too small. Glad I listened to the voice.
naiadkitty says
16 years ago
Eric is safe in Korea. Only 15 more days!
naiadkitty says
16 years ago 1
I just dropped my husband off at the airport (3 weeks in Korea). I don't know, though, Hanna is hitting us right now, so he may not get out
naiadkitty says
16 years ago 4
The door didn't get closed properly last night (although I checked it twice) and Asi went on a kitten adventure this morning.