16Friends 25Fans
male Sans Souci, Australia
Make the most of your time
Dont waste it
Dont pick and choose who you want to love
Cause its better to love everyone
If someone needs help
WELL help them!!!
15 years ago
"Your relation to Jesus has a direct relationship with how your treat people"
natenatenate34 is
15 years ago 1
doing a traditional New Zealand War cry (dance)
natenatenate34 is
15 years ago 1
growing in faith and in weight (LOL)
natenatenate34 is
15 years ago
gonig to have a VERY long day today (tears)
natenatenate34 is
15 years ago 31
looking for Jesus (wave)
natenatenate34 says
15 years ago
"The scariest place to be is to do Christianity without Jesus" - LA Mumar (Campus Harvest08)
natenatenate34 wonders
15 years ago
why I think like a child ? (annoyed)
natenatenate34 is
15 years ago
recalls watching Barney the dinosaur !! LOL (LOL)
natenatenate34 is
15 years ago 6
listening to campus harvest 08 podcasts (=
15 years ago
WOW has a red morning today !!