16Friends 25Fans
male Sans Souci, Australia
Make the most of your time
Dont waste it
Dont pick and choose who you want to love
Cause its better to love everyone
If someone needs help
WELL help them!!!
natenatenate34 asks
15 years ago
how do i get box of clothes to those who need it .... help any one??
natenatenate34 asks
15 years ago
why were we not meant to be alone? (unsure)
natenatenate34 asks
15 years ago
why were we not ment to be alone?
15 years ago
"Our hearts will be the threshing floor" - Israel Houghton
natenatenate34 wonders
15 years ago 4
how everyone is doing
natenatenate34 needs
15 years ago 4
to find answers to the secrets of this world (dance)
natenatenate34 hopes
15 years ago
everyone in Manila is ok!! missing you all !!
natenatenate34 will
15 years ago
be having a long weekend at work again!! (tears)
natenatenate34 will
15 years ago
be a light by being just the way I am :-)
15 years ago 1
hope everyone is doing fine in Manila .... even though I'm not there in person ... I'm there in Spirit :'-(