di read syukur, chatnya di remove juga gak apa2. sudahlah.
kenapa urang bodoh banget akhir2 ini.
regretting that silly moments. now i just hate myself.
thanks for everything. i know we can't be like as usual, but i think it's the best choice for both of us. and, i hope we can be bestmates like before.
never feel this kind of galau after years.
dat awkward moment, ketika baru nyadar kalau besok itu senin. dan besok mulai les. urgh.
"keknya bulan selama ini jadi burem gara2 polusi cahaya,"
dan baru nyadar ternyata itu gara2 gak pake kacamata. soide level dewa -_-
satu minggu terbuang -_- masih ada satu minggu lagi ayooo~
jiyuu no tsubasa, he said. marukana gampang -_-