female Taipei, Taiwan
學習社群-n詞酷 Hi!:www.nciku.com.tw/space
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12 years ago 13
You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it.
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12 years ago 18
https://images.plurk.com/96214043f05dbe1faa9bbff794c33416.jpg This is my seat.
利斯 意思 買 西特
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12 years ago 8
It’s not whether or not, you get knocked down, it’s what you do when you get back up. 是否被打敗並不重要,重要的是,你重新站起來後會怎麼做。—[電影 鐘點戰 In Time]
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12 years ago 10
1. It's so hot recently. The temperature has climbed to 38 ℃ 最近天氣真熱,氣溫已爬到38度 2. It's boiling today. 今天熱得要命!
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12 years ago 17
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12 years ago 12
【關於插隊】"Cut in Line" 插隊 ① 不准插隊:No cutting in line ② 不要插隊:Don't cut in line ③ 去排隊:Get in line ④ 去後面排隊:Get in the back of the line。
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12 years ago 5
We should give meaning to life, not wait for life to give us meaning. 我們應該去賦予生活意義,而不是等生活為我們賦予意義。
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12 years ago 6
-美國參議員,休‧懷特(Hugh White)。
"The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power."
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12 years ago 5
看 Youtube 學英文 「天災」– ACT OF GOD blog.youtubelearn.com/%E...