there's an elevator in her house. she's probably walked more stairs in the past few days than her whole life -- simply to put things away.
thank you for making our home so wonderful.
in a most ordinary moment, he said to me "i never dreamed that i would spend my life with someone like this again." ...he got me everytime.
前天百貨周年慶換點數時太心急,忘了應該累積越多點,兌換禮品的選擇也越好,反而一下子把手中的點數全換光,氣得做夢也罵自己笨。沒想到今天有機會捲土重來,痛定思痛,不只拿回兩萬多的禮券,還懂得另外換VIP Lounge使用券,更記得把點數留下來,所以我終於可以換到電火鍋啦! 好高興!
thank you for being my friend and my lover.