12Friends 1Fans
Nurhidayah Bte. Mohd Yazid
Going 12 on 8 Jan
Floorball and soccer is ♥
I'm just an ordinary girl (:
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
RONGGENG FM ! "Ronggeng jgn tk ronggeng!"
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
Stupid larhhs. Dh buat pastu tk leyy post. Tskkk. But still, Ronggeng FM \m/ !
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
"She dropped her fake smile. And a tear rolled down her cheek. and she whispered "I can't do this anymore." D:
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
"The girl who seemed unbreakable, broke. The girl who seemed so strong, crumbled. The girl who always laughed, cried"
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
I'm gonna miss everything that happened yesterday. D:
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
Turtle & Terrapin <3
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
"My name is Muattirah.. From class 5C." Don't change to 6B cn? 5C too awesome to be replaced. :-D"
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
"The standard answer "I'm fine" usually means anything but do you care enough to try to find out?"
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
Silence doesn't always mean yes/no. Sometimes, it means "i'm-tired-explaining-to-people-who-doesnt-even-care-to-listen"
Nhbmy;hidayah says
14 years ago
"I don't know which I would rather believe... that you never did care or that you eventually stopped."