108Friends 165Fans
female Makati City, Philippines
A shutterbug. A camwhore. A sucker for fate and fairy tales Believes in pixiedusts and that thinking happy thoughts can make me fly. A sarsi addict. Just your average typical prototype girl with TATTOOS.
12 years ago 7
me and the li'l tyke! @ 1 year and 9 months: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.... https://fbcdn-sphotos-a....
12 years ago 3
My son dropped by the office today at my lunchtime to get some money4our plumbing [email protected] he saw me-He didn't want to let go.:'-(
12 years ago 4
To turn off Karma Freeze or not? ho-hum (okok)
12 years ago 4
last login: 7/16/11 it's 2012 already! How is everybody? :-) I missed this! I'm still thinking of going back (for good) (wave)
nikai loves
13 years ago 1
my new haircut. shortest of all my short haircuts! yay!
13 years ago
less than 10 emails for 3 hours. This monday is awesome! :-)))
nikai is
13 years ago
so ecstaticly happy!Approved TVC script&a long email from my boss for a job well done.All on the same morning. It's a good monday after all!
nikai is
13 years ago
having a slow day today.TVC scriptwriting kept me up last night&now doesn't have anything on my mind but SLEEP.the weather isn't helping.:-&