11Friends 13Fans
female Korea (South)
moelle says
13 years ago 10
how how how?
moelle says
13 years ago 35
moelle says
13 years ago 6
wow wee! free wifi!
moelle says
13 years ago 7
for such an expensive rate, e internet connection in e hotel is f**king slow!! (angry)
moelle says
13 years ago 16
i couldnt stand being internet-less, so i paid SGD25 for internet access in e hotel room! >_<
moelle says
13 years ago 15
a special hello to strangers from korea! (waves)
moelle is
13 years ago 5
still packing! OMG!!!
moelle says
13 years ago 8
packing is such a bitch!!! (angry)
moelle is
13 years ago 9
laughing like mad reading baipu's replies to Fionn's plurks!!!
moelle is
13 years ago 9
devastated and appalled at e amt of damage e earthquake is causing...