7Friends 2Fans
noellelovegod says
15 years ago
that shes is resting now!
noellelovegod says
15 years ago
shes studying real hard now. But using comp so that she won't fall asleep that easy! LOLS. (LOL)
noellelovegod says
15 years ago
noellelovegod says
15 years ago
sorry for not updating both my plurk & blog. Due to the upcoming O's
noellelovegod says
15 years ago
Hi & bye!
noellelovegod says
15 years ago
Bye! Gonna start studying now! (wave) (dance)
noellelovegod says
15 years ago
that her blog is updated! (K)
noellelovegod says
15 years ago
she had started chionging already! :-))
noellelovegod says
15 years ago
HELLO! its been quite sometime since I last plurk! lol.
noellelovegod says
15 years ago