Watching Little Miss Sunshine for the fourth (or is it fifth?) time. LOVE this movie.
too tired to read blogs nut too awake to turn off Plurk.
Moving. Shaking. Well, not shaking so much, or moving, as much as getting a lot of work done. What do you call that?
Words I like being an estates attorney in Louisiana: codicil, executrix, usufructuary, seizin.
Baby has 105 fever! And I can't leave work. Eeerrrrrr!!
Splitting hairs over language on a very important but hush-hush project.
Love the song, The First Cut is the Deepest. Probably because my bro used to play on guitar when we were teens.
Sun gleeked for the first time last night. Teehee!!
off to bed to be on time for my doctor's appt first thing tomorrow to restitch a loose stitch. I laughed. Was in stitches. Then not.
Can you use plurk on your phone like twitter?