88Friends 72Fans
male Indonesia
student of Electrical Engineering at University of Indonesia who believe jazz is a personal expression that goes beyond words, It's an insight into the soul. It is all about feelings, how the music moves the musicians who created it and play it
novanyahya wonders
14 years ago 2
kuliah analog ga ya? (: (: (:
14 years ago 7
nasi blue band yang luar biasa XD
novanyahya suka
14 years ago 9
liat fotonya si chacha tanpa makeup, kyaaaa imutnya **pedo mode selalu on**
novanyahya telah
14 years ago
sampai di tempat training, biasanya butuh hanya 25 menit, hari ini jadi 45 menit, duh temen2 gw kayaknya udah bos bos nih
novanyahya akan
14 years ago 2
mengikuti training oil dan gas untuk pertama-x-nya
14 years ago
mengutip dari FFVII "men dont cry for themselves, they cry for their comrades" keren abis
14 years ago
man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed, but not defeated
14 years ago
is starting the day with the worst!! Arsenal kalah lagi (angry)
14 years ago
Di belakang setiap pria sukses ada seorang wanita hebat. Dibelakang setiap pria yang tidak sukses ada dua wanita hebat
14 years ago
wondering if.... (lonely)