154Friends 126Fans
male Newcastle, Australia
I am Mitch. I bite my nails. I believe in ghosts. I lose my keys. I don't believe you are supposed to be with one person for the rest of your life but i love the fact that some people are. I think people should smile more. I dont like to push in. I l
oOMiTcHOo wishes
16 years ago 12
he could get into blog tv but NOOOOO it wants to be lame and hate me
oOMiTcHOo feels
16 years ago 16
like i have been stabbed in the head. i woke up and my head was resting on wood!
oOMiTcHOo asks
16 years ago 1
how to provoke friends from myspace to join plurk? like with a little icon to click on or something
oOMiTcHOo feels
16 years ago 11
spork dot com. it is coming.
oOMiTcHOo has
16 years ago 3
his job interview the day of matthews special show on the 17th O__O
oOMiTcHOo has
16 years ago 7
a job inteview in sydney next friday! huzzarrrrrr!
oOMiTcHOo wonders
16 years ago 21
steph u homo where did u go
16 years ago 5
and stephs mum
oOMiTcHOo is
16 years ago 7
oOMiTcHOo hates
16 years ago 15