4Friends 2Fans
female San Lorenzo, CA, United States
officerkatsy has
16 years ago 4
been awake for nearly an hour - it is way too early for me (:
officerkatsy has
16 years ago
left the horizontal for the semi vertical - not sure that she approves (s_tears)
officerkatsy has
16 years ago 1
washed her bones and their insulation (s_bye)
officerkatsy has
16 years ago
momentarily gained access to more silliness (s_dance) (s_dance)
officerkatsy has
16 years ago 1
returned from sangha - so glad to be back in her nest
officerkatsy has
16 years ago
rolled out of bed and is getting ready to roll to the sangha - being round sometimes helps
officerkatsy has
16 years ago
returned home from seeing the deep movie - Momma Mia - was satisfyingly silly
officerkatsy has
16 years ago 6
gotten her body working but not much else - morning all
officerkatsy has
16 years ago 1
the sangha calls - this time i should ought to anwser :-D
officerkatsy has
16 years ago
stumnled and lurched out of bed and actually has the wash on after manhandling the public washer into eating its quarters X-(