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male New Delhi, India
oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
Our services have been developed based on personal world-class experiences of the AIG Team: bit.ly/xnpnu6
oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
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oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
You can add your company to the O&G Directory at OGGN site: bit.ly/xnJnze
oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
If you want to Advertise, plz complete the contact information and the advertisement details to post your ad at OGGN: bit.ly/widzjc
oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
Evaluating and recommending fully qualified consulting companies for our E&P clients to meet their objectives: bit.ly/yrUfZ2
oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
Preparing organized and effective packages for listings on the Oil and Gas GlobelNet: bit.ly/yrUfZ2
oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
Ajay Mathur is the Co-Founder and Executive Vice President of Avatar International Group and Oil and Gas GlobalNet: bit.ly/xnpnu6
oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
Shri obtained his BS degree in Petroleum Engineering from The Indian School of Mines, India: bit.ly/xnpnu6
oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
Shri Mathur initiated, developed and managed upstream business in over 20 countries: bit.ly/xnpnu6
oilgasconsultant says
12 years ago
Processes and Practices for growth and operational efficiency: bit.ly/AjoY1g