very tired, but is not going to get any less tired simply by lying in bed unfortunately. Might as well get up.
UK folk looking for ISPs: go nowhere near Bulldog unless you enjoy being ripped off simply because they know it takes you a week to switch.
trying some fresh figs bought from the market on impulse. Actually, they are quite dull.
returning a Clicky Disc, and will not be purchasing any more via the Mail. They all end up with the Click Of Doom.
No, I did not release the Extensible Cat; I was distracted by Matters Unavoidable.
Black coffee and a Bloody Mary.
why people just IM you to say "hi". Why? Why not just *tell me what you have to say*?
going to release the Extensible Cat tomorrow, I have decided. It has been hanging around forever.
the rustling sound of my spare keyboard - like centipedes running through a forest.