65Friends 179Fans
female Second life
Ordinal is
15 years ago
very tired, but is not going to get any less tired simply by lying in bed unfortunately. Might as well get up.
Ordinal says
15 years ago 26
UK folk looking for ISPs: go nowhere near Bulldog unless you enjoy being ripped off simply because they know it takes you a week to switch.
Ordinal was
15 years ago
trying some fresh figs bought from the market on impulse. Actually, they are quite dull.
Ordinal is
15 years ago 16
returning a Clicky Disc, and will not be purchasing any more via the Mail. They all end up with the Click Of Doom.
Ordinal says
15 years ago 6
No, I did not release the Extensible Cat; I was distracted by Matters Unavoidable.
Ordinal shares
15 years ago 6
Ordinal says
15 years ago 3
Black coffee and a Bloody Mary.
Ordinal wonders
15 years ago 28
why people just IM you to say "hi". Why? Why not just *tell me what you have to say*?
Ordinal is
15 years ago 11
going to release the Extensible Cat tomorrow, I have decided. It has been hanging around forever.
Ordinal loves
15 years ago 7
the rustling sound of my spare keyboard - like centipedes running through a forest.