Luke Skywanker
236Friends 17Fans
Seattle, WA, United States
I used to RP. Why are you even here?

Characters! Ask me how!
Luke Skywanker
3 months ago 10
So I'm staying at this house with the biggest TV screen I've ever seen AND they've got a Switch and I was excited to finally play Breath of the Wild etc...
... but I'm still obsessed with New Vegas.
Luke Skywanker
4 months ago 5
Oh thank god I am actually writing again. The shame spiral since coming home has been brutal.
Luke Skywanker
4 months ago 6
[TV] I haven't finished Baby Reindeer yet but holy shit it's intense.

I think is weird how I kept hearing about it in terms that weren't off-putting but failed to offer what I think is both the hook AND the massive trigger warning.
Luke Skywanker
4 months ago 19
[music/film] Anyone watched the new Beach Boys doc on Disney+ yet?
Luke Skywanker
4 months ago
It's very funny, Joy is trying to coordinate lunch today while I'm trying to coordinate picking up flowers and surprising her with them without telling her the reason I can't meet for lunch is because I'm trying to figure out how to fill her apartment with flowers.
Luke Skywanker
4 months ago 9 I've committed to Alaska in July but I need a plan for after that...
Luke Skywanker
4 months ago 23
[FNV] I've been obsessed the past few weeks but man, Dead Money is just pissing me right off...
Luke Skywanker
4 months ago 20
Okay guys I need some ideas. Joy and Z are getting married on Tuesday. I think I've put off thinking about it to the point where... I don't have a gift, or an idea of what to do for them, or make, or... I need some ideas.
Luke Skywanker
4 months ago 3
[food stuff] Ok I'm not into cooking and I've been using meal replacement drinks but I'm upset over the amount of plastic I've been using.

Do you have a favorite shake recipe? I don't like "bits" in my food, it needs to be smooth. And really it just needs to be downable.
Luke Skywanker
4 months ago 24
[England] Been here since Tuesday. Staying until Thursday. I haven't had the energy to even keep up my diary, let alone post, but it's been the trip of a lifetime so far.