1Friends 11Fans
male Sydney, Australia
Retired primary school teacher. Dutch-born Australian. Art!!!!!!!! and www fill my retirement and my stomach.
OzCloggie Art Exhibition - "Remi, from Sans Famille"...
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
Agora = Hub = NSW Dutch-Australians gathering.... amplify.com/u/a17tb4
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
Ozcloggie's personal bookshelf. amplify.com/u/a16uq9
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
A man and his dog. amplify.com/u/a14r0c
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
AGORA - A proposal to combine Dutch-Australian heritage, with Dutch-Australian "gezelligheid". amplify.com/u/a14jw2
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
A Dutch-Australian 'hub', in Sydney........ amplify.com/u/a1459g
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
“The Dutch, in NSW, need a ‘Hub’ amplify.com/u/a13zob
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
Scheyville 100 years celebration - Well done!! amplify.com/u/a138ob
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
Dutch-Australians, in Sydney, NSW, should have a suitable location for their heritage. amplify.com/u/a12jt8
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
Come back inspiration!!!!! amplify.com/u/b108q6
ozcloggie shares
13 years ago
The old accordion player - at the Scheyv amplify.com/u/b101nf