12Friends 7Fans
female Leicester, Great Britain (UK)
pashonfroot says
15 years ago
awww! grabeh naman ng binaba ng karma ko! nyahaha tsk! twitter kasi ehh! (LOL)
pashonfroot feels
15 years ago
woozy! Going to get some sleep now and then cram some more later! :-D
pashonfroot says
15 years ago
i'm sooo screwed
pashonfroot says
15 years ago
OMG 59 something nalang karma ko! nyaha burrrrringin it back up!
pashonfroot says
15 years ago
by the way my twitter: :-D
pashonfroot is
15 years ago
updating her twitter more nowadays (cuz there's a twitter app for iPhones and plurk doesn't! well, not a good one nwei) (LOL)
pashonfroot is
15 years ago
kinda freaked out! :-D
pashonfroot says
15 years ago
Plurk's getting boring now. All about: Twitter :-P P`z
pashonfroot says
15 years ago
dangit ese!
pashonfroot says
15 years ago
omgosh! totally forgot i had plurk