Paul Edwards
10Friends 13Fans
Paul Edwards
15 years ago
I think I am slowly moving away from xbox gaming and back to pc gaming.
Paul Edwards
15 years ago 1
Way to much food today
Paul Edwards
15 years ago
Got the 32gig Ipod Touch. First apple product in about 15 years.
Paul Edwards
15 years ago 1
0 for 1 with the new bread maker.
Paul Edwards
15 years ago
Will Boxee stream video files to Xbox 360?
Paul Edwards
15 years ago 1
Happy Holidays!
Paul Edwards
15 years ago 2
Ah, Christmas Eve... Let the junk food and dessert eating commence.
Paul Edwards
15 years ago
Brought an old PicTel Videoconferencing unit back to life today.
Paul Edwards
16 years ago
Installing Fedora 10
Paul Edwards
16 years ago 3
Best Ebenezer Scrooge? George C. Scott followed by Bill Murry.