The final point is what you want from your media - that is about politics, social community decisions
My hope is that new technologies will bring the world together and bring about a global change
There are quite profound changes in the nature of journalism as you do that - the fact that we become more open source we also share power
You either say it is the end of my profession or you say there is good new opportunities to explore
Charlie Beckett: I can not believe there is still a role for journalism, it is radically outed
otherwise the media will became facebook, myspace and just narcisism
You have to learn to emancipate yourself
I am a user, and I think what a user is is someone who recognizes their ignorance about the world and wants to get educated
for me, media is to educate oneself about things that otherwise one would not know about
Andrew Keen - One uses media to informs oneself - what media is for is a quite obvious question