The Pear Lady
10Friends 15Fans
female Houston, TX, United States
Yeah, I'm TPL, but I'm actually a total fruit salad, as one might see on my blog (when the spiderwebs are swept). ;P

And, no...I'm not a lying pear, as my picture may assume...just resting up for more _ (whatever I'm in the mood for that day)
The Pear Lady is
16 years ago
watching Reality Bites..filmed down here :-)
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago 2
42 karma - my plurk life has been answered. It's all downhill from here. hah!
The Pear Lady asks
16 years ago 4
for forgiveness for any rambling plurks a moody rascal ;-)
The Pear Lady
16 years ago
sings "It's raining, it's pouring, and I'm in here Plurking"
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago 3
it's quiet around here in plurksville...too quiet. (s_unsure)
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago 5
oh's a classic game from youth... Chubby Bunny
The Pear Lady feels
16 years ago a special surprise and took care of a 2mo.old today ~ she was so precious! :-)
The Pear Lady thinks
16 years ago
...I forgot.
The Pear Lady loves
16 years ago
to plurk about nothing. I'm a Seinfeld plurker! (s_LOL)
The Pear Lady needs
16 years ago
things, people, and especially intangibles (like love and friendship). Know where I can buy any? ;P