The Pear Lady
10Friends 15Fans
female Houston, TX, United States
Yeah, I'm TPL, but I'm actually a total fruit salad, as one might see on my blog (when the spiderwebs are swept). ;P

And, no...I'm not a lying pear, as my picture may assume...just resting up for more _ (whatever I'm in the mood for that day)
The Pear Lady feels
16 years ago
the plurk slowdown...just got a message to try a plurk again. :-o *gives Plurk a Monster*
The Pear Lady thinks
16 years ago 2
mollyjane is truly awesome today. (She plurked me hb and commented at my blog, too) *sends nanas to her* (s_dance) (s_dance) (s_dance)
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago
welcome to new fan Marie Joyful (rie_3) :-D
The Pear Lady hates
16 years ago 7
not being invited to parties and / or being ignored...part of my lion ego thing that irritates myself and others. (s_tears)
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago
I blogged! yeah, me! More deliciousfruit @ wp for all! (s_dance)
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago 4
it's taking way to long to plurk 2nite. I think I may go swat some dust off of my blog. Hmm.
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago
Hello Plurkers! It's my day(well, in Aussie time it is)...must love me. (woot)
The Pear Lady
16 years ago 3
welcomes a new TPL plurk fan - Cindy jmj717 :-)
The Pear Lady is
16 years ago 3
watching a new storm - hi Fay.
The Pear Lady is
16 years ago 1
finally caught up with plurk...for now. :-P