The Pear Lady
10Friends 15Fans
female Houston, TX, United States
Yeah, I'm TPL, but I'm actually a total fruit salad, as one might see on my blog (when the spiderwebs are swept). ;P

And, no...I'm not a lying pear, as my picture may assume...just resting up for more _ (whatever I'm in the mood for that day)
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago
gonna go before I fall asleep on keyboard. I really don't want that imprint on my forehead again ;P
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago 5
90 plurkers have peeped inside my profile so far. Thank goodness I waxed. ;-)
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago 2
101 plurks of my own and I'm just getting started. :-o
The Pear Lady is
16 years ago 1
every time a someone plurks, another addict is born. :-)
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago
Facebook, shower, paper, sleep. Ahh, what a life. :-P
The Pear Lady has
16 years ago 2
54 new responses. This could take a while. :-o
The Pear Lady has
16 years ago 5
left another delicious fruit @ wp (woot)
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago 4
holey moley...over a million in pinball. Ahh, it makes me feel like I'm young again. :-D
The Pear Lady wonders
16 years ago
what's in my email and facebook 2nite
The Pear Lady says
16 years ago 7
The Food Channel is just so ...wrong. I was perfectly content after dinner, then I watch stuff like Ace of Cakes and Good Eats. food porn.:-P