7Friends 15Fans
female Riverside, CA, United States
teachingwritingjumpingeatingloving FUN!
Moffetta! loves
16 years ago
being a raw vegan!
Moffetta! is
16 years ago
TIRED! Night, all. (K)
Moffetta! is
16 years ago 1
making a raw vegan chocolate cake! In a bra! (me, not the cake)
Moffetta! says
16 years ago
Goodnight, Plurkers~!
Moffetta! was
16 years ago
SO happy my lunch turned out well!
Moffetta! has
16 years ago
to quit PROCRASTINATING! It's almost 11pm!!
Moffetta! has
16 years ago
ideas for profit and fun.... (s_good_luck)
Moffetta! wonders
16 years ago
where the more money to pay for stuff's going to come from?
Moffetta! loves
16 years ago
. That's all. :-)