144Friends 6Fans
female World of Warcraft
Just another dorkball on the internet.
[INTRO] Haven't done one of these in a while. Hello. I am Taco. I have a couple of new people and there has been some shit going down, so new intro!

I am a retail hell worker at Sam's Club, doing curbside pickup.
[MUTE] CW: Abuse of a child in different forms.

hit me. I will respond when I am conscious again
Shit. Tired hit like a fucking mac truck. I can hardly move.
Hell yeah. I don't have to be up at ass o clock tomorrow for court
May toss Martel in the TDM because Hell starting to freeze? not good for the noodle woman. Snek no like cold.
Chatacter Sleep Habits?
Sis rearranged the kitchen a bit and all I can focus on is a Boo mug going \o/

Thirsty Thursday? Yes. I may have the focus of a wet noodle atm, but I am forever thirsty. I have chaos ladies of varying size for your enjoyment.