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potterdan33 says
13 years ago
Gabrielle Hamilton: ".. cooking things with tails, claws, and marrow-filled bones.." [Blood, Bones & Butter] Books dld.bz/QjsJ
potterdan33 says
13 years ago
Peter Bergen: "The goal of this book is to tell a history of the war on terror in one volume." [The Longest War] dld.bz/N2zp
potterdan33 says
13 years ago
Amy Sedaris shows how to save money by freezing cookie crumbs for the office holiday party. [#Colbert Report Books] dld.bz/NJXt
potterdan33 says
13 years ago
Rob Bell: "We won’t be able to discern where the Spirit is leading if we don’t listen.." [Love Wins] Religion Books dld.bz/QTgA
potterdan33 says
13 years ago
Bing West: ".. Obama was saying that the Iraq surge was a mistake, that Afghanistan was.." [The Wrong War] Books dld.bz/PT6y
potterdan33 says
13 years ago
Maryn McKenna: MRSA puts 369,000 in the hospital every single year. [Superbug] Health Medicine dld.bz/JgwB
potterdan33 says
13 years ago
Joshua Foer: "The first hour or so of being on Adderall is mildly euphoric." [#Moonwalking with Einstein] Books dld.bz/PMKK
potterdan33 says
13 years ago
Danielle L. McGuire: "After such a brutal gang rape, Taylor must have.." [At the Dark End of the Street] Racism Books dld.bz/Qbz3
potterdan33 says
13 years ago
Danielle L. McGuire: ".. they accused the black youths of rape." [At the Dark End of the Street] Racism Books dld.bz/Qbz3
potterdan33 says
13 years ago
".. less focus on the current reality of the so called Islamic bomb." [How the End Begins] Nuclear War Books dld.bz/QfaC