30Friends 5Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
who else could i be but me :-P
powerofme says
15 years ago
didn't get to swim... :-(
powerofme is
15 years ago 6
suppose be waking up early to prepare myself for school but the earliest time i woke up at summer was i think 8 am :-))
powerofme says
15 years ago
can't wait for princess protection program (rofl) selena and demi finally together in a movie :-))
powerofme says
15 years ago 5
can't wait 4 my cousin's swimming party! cause it's a swimming party w/o the swimming part, just the play-in-the-water-&-have-some-fun-part
powerofme will
15 years ago
watch youtube :-)
powerofme says
15 years ago
i discovered over summer dat..well..life is either boring or useless if u r a kid w/ nothing better 2do than use da computer almst all day..
powerofme says
15 years ago 16
a bird just went in my mom's room out of nowhere like it had super speed and went out just as fast :-o
powerofme feels
15 years ago
a huge craving for mcdo !
powerofme asks
15 years ago 21
so when does school start?
powerofme says
15 years ago
i dunno what to plurk (rofl) Lol